R curriculum training at UC Merced

Fall 2020

Welcome! This website has the materials for the R Curriculum taught at UC Merced in the Fall of 2020. This was an 8-hr training divided in four sessions:

  1. Introduction to R and RStudio
  2. Starting with data
  3. Plots and Exploratory Data Analysis
  4. Manipulating data with dplyr

These lessons are based on the Carpentries Ecology curriculum

An example GitHub repository to follow the lessons is available here: https://github.com/AndreaSanchezTapia/UCM_R. It has a very generic structure:

├── UCM_R.Rproj
├── README.md
├── 01_script.R
├── 02_... and other scripts 
└── data
    ├── processed
    └── raw

You can download the .zip file by clicking the green button (Code) and selecting the last option, “download.zip”. To open the project and get to work, click twice on UCM_R.Rproj.